Sunday, September 29, 2013

9/30 - 10/4 2013

Vocabulary this week:

Please practice vocabulary every night.  You should be practicing all vocabulary words so far this year.  The more words they know will help improve their overall reading.  I know many of you have busy lives, but learning to read is the foundation for all learning.  Put them on cards, and then take them with you in the car.  This makes good use of time spent on the go.  Just a tip!

Spelling this week:

A note about spelling tests-  for now all students will continue taking both the practice and final spellings every week , even if they get 100% on the practice test.  This is good practice!  

**** This Friday, October 4, 2013 is Mass and Blessing of the Animals.  Please be sure your child is in full uniform.  Shorts are not allowed.  Also Friday is a minimum day 12:30 dismissal .  

Behavior in the classroom:
Many students have really figured out what they need to be doing.  I have many, though, that continue to talk, and distract the people around them.  This not only affects the learning of others, but they are affecting their learning as well.  Please discuss with them these few points:
They should not be talking when the teacher is talking-ever.  When we are transitioning to a new task, they need to be quiet so they can hear the directions- this has been the biggest problem in this class.  Also lining up or standing in line, they should not be talking either.  When I continue to have to remind them , it takes away from teaching time.  Please talk to your child about these points please.  Thanks for your support !

Sunday, September 22, 2013

September 23-September 27, 2013

We survived ITBS testing!  The 1st graders worked very hard last week.  Now we are off to the rest of 1st quarter !  I was very pleased with their progress report grades, and I am looking forward to seeing them continue to make great strides in their learning.  

Just a heads up:  we will be taking a field trip to the Bear Creek Pumpkin Patch on Wednesday, Septmber 23, 2013.  If you would like to drive and chaperone, you must have taken safe environment this year or last year , and have your fingerprints on file in our school office.  There will be more information to follow!

Vocabulary words for this week:

As you can see we will begin working on contractions. We will also be working on parts of a sentence.  

Spelling words this week:


We will continue with basic addition facts this week.  Please continue to work on basic facts to the sum of 10.  Timed tests will continue this week.  Next week we will begin working on basic subtraction facts with differences from 12 down.  We will continue with addition timed tests for a while. 

We have been working on living and nonliving things.  We will continue to work on parts of a plant and what plants need to survive.  

Social studies
We have been working on where we live - continent, country, state, city.  We have also been learning about maps, the compass rose, and the directions north, south, east, and west.

We have been learning about creation, and how God created us to be like him.  We are to praise God and to be thankful for his many gifts.  

Sunday, September 15, 2013

ITBS Testing Week 2013

I hope everyone had a great weekend!  This is a very important week for OLM. It's testing week. This test helps to guide our curriculum and planning for the year. This test also gives us the opportunity to see each student's areas of strengths and weaknesses. Please have your child go to bed early each night and eat a good breakfast each morning.  We will be taking tests everyday.  Please do not make appointments or take a trip this week, thank you for your support. Also a healthy snack will be provided each day .  Thank you to the parents who have volunteered to help out :-)

Vocabulary for this week:

Spelling:  students will be taking both the practice and final spelling tests week.  Sorry for the confusion. These are this week's words:


There will be nightly work, either practicing vocab, studying for spelling, or maybe a math page.  Please continue to practice basic addition facts up to sum of ten. They are doing well with this.  I can tell my students are practicing!  Great work, students and parents :-)

This Friday 1st and 2nd grades bring a St. Vincent lunch for the homeless.  We will decorate a bag on Thursday and send it home that night for your child to fill with a lunch. Please have your child help to make the lunch. It is a very powerful experience for them to be a part of. Thanks for help!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Week 5: September 9- September 13

Vocabulary words:  a reminder about vocabulary words-  students should be reviewing vocab words from past weeks.  The reading program builds on the words from previous weeks.  Some students are struggling on the board work which also builds on the previous vocabulary words.  Please make sure to revisit previous vocabulary word lists.
Vocabulary words this week:


Spelling begins this week.  The spelling word list goes home Tuesday.  Students must be able to read and spell these words.  Along with these words on the test, I give two challenge words.  These words follow the same vowel sound, or spelling pattern of the words given that week.  These words are counted in the test score.  I give a practice test on Thursday.  If your child spells all the words correctly ,along with the challenge words ,  he/she does not have to take the test on Friday!  The challenge words for Friday's test are not the same words from Thursday's test.  

This week's spelling words:


Math:  we have started taking basic math facts tests and they are going well.  You should be practicing these basic facts at home.  I can tell that some students have not been practicing at home.  Make this a routine- 10 minutes several times a week would really benefit your child.  We have started chapter 2 in our math books.  This chapter is on basic addition.  A parent page went home last week reviewing the vocabulary used in the math lessons.  Please review this page with your child.  That page can stay at home.

Phonics:  we have been working on short vowel a, and blends such as fl, bl, cl, st, cr, br, fr, etc.  Other sounds that we have been working on are th, ch, sh.  Reviewing these sounds would be helpful as well.

Progress reports:
Progress reports will be going home next week.  My students have been working very hard, and I have begun to see improvement and growth in many areas.  Please remember that these are "Progress" reports.  They show progress so far this year.

We will start centers this week.  Centers will every Wednesday.  We will be doing small group activities to reinforce the basic skills that we have been working on so far this year.  Thank you to Mrs. McParland, Mrs. Diaz, and Mrs. Zambelli for volunteering to help out.  If you would like to help on Wednesdays from 9-10am please let me know.  Thank you .

The first graders are really working hard.  Many have really fallen into the daily routine very well.  Some still need reminding of the basic rules and procedures of the classroom.  Please continue to encourage them daily on things such as using the restroom before school and on their breaks.  This is still an issue.  Also, remind them to raise their hand to talk and to leave their seat.  Thanks for support!

Thank you to Dr. McFadden for coming in on Wednesdays to read to the class.  The students are really enjoying this, as am I.  If you would like to help out in any way- doing a project or activity with class let me know.

This Friday is a spirit free dress.  Your child should be in navy blue and white. Thank you

Next week is ITBS testing. Please make sure your child gets a good nights sleep each night and has a healthy breakfast each morning.  We ask that if you need to make any appointments, please make sure to make them for after school or for the following week. We appreciate your support in this matter.  

Monday, September 2, 2013

Week 4 : 9/3- 9/6

Dear parents 

My students have begun to settle in to the first grade schedule.  They are beginning to follow proper rules and procedures very well.  I am pleased to see them get their planners signed nightly as well as getting homework completed and turned in when it is assigned.  Some students still need to be reminded not to leave their seats without raising their hand or that talking isn't allowed unless they are called upon.  This too takes time.  Please continue to remind them of these rules daily before school.  Also please discuss with them whether or not they are to order hot lunch and/or milk that day.  Thank you for your support in this matter.  Another thing they need to be reminded of is using the restroom when they have breaks. So many are asking to use the restroom during class. When they leave class they are missing important teaching time. I will let them use the restroom if it is an emergency, but they lose 5 minutes of their recess.  Please remind them to use the restroom during recess and lunch , and I will continue to do the same.  It might be helpful to discuss using the restroom in the auditorium before school.  Some students are asking to use the restroom right after prayer.  This delays our morning lessons .  Thank your for your help!  

$ brought to school:
When you send in money for various events, like game day , raffle tickets, free dress etc, please send it in a ziplock and label it with what it is for.  Thank you.  

Math facts :
We will begin taking timed math facts tests this week.  We will begin with basic addition with sums up to ten.  It will be helpful if you practice this at home with flash cards. I realize they don't necessarily enjoy it, but it is crucial that they learn the basic math facts early on.  We really see the benefits of this in the higher grades.  Math will be a struggle in the higher grades when they are learning more advanced concepts, and they still don't have the basics down.  

Friday, September 6, 2013
We will be having an all school mass.  Please remember that students need to be in full uniform- boys in their pants, and girls in their jumpers.  This is also a 12:30 dismissal day.  Please note this on your calendar .  Thank you. 

Some students do not have all their school supplies.  They need to have two folders- one is a home folder( for homework or important papers that need to be taken home and/ or returned etc) the other is a school folder where they keep unfinished work to be completed later.  They also need markers and watercolor paints to be used on art projects.  Some students haven't brought in extra pencils either.  These things are very important and need to be provided for your child. If you haven't sent in all the supplies please do so ASAP.  Thank you

********Class donations needed:  if you would like to provide items for the class , we are in need of pencils.  Thank you.********

Vocabulary for this week:
1 found
2 going
3 am
4 for
5 under
6 across
7 bad
8 good
9 so
10 draw
11 are
12 look

HELPERS in the classroom:
I would like to start centers next week. This is when we will do small group activities on a variety of areas to reinforce the basic skills in reading and/ or math.  We will doing centers every  Wednesday from 9-10.  You will need to have completed your safe environment and fingerprints.  The office keeps a list in the office.  If you would like to help, please send in a note with dates you can help. If you can help every week let me know that as well.  If we have a lot of volunteers, I will do a schedule.  I will send home a schedule so you know when you will be working.  This is a great way to get parent volunteer hours.  

I have really appreciated the the positive support I have received from many of the parents.  Changing grade levels is a challenge , and your understanding is greatly appreciated.  I truly have your child's best interests in mind.  With your support and understanding, this will be a positive year for your child!