Saturday, November 29, 2014

ADVENT BEGINS!!! Are you ready for Jesus's birthday ??? December 2014

Advent is a wonderful and busy time :). We will be very busy, but we will work hard to prepare for the birth of our Savior!! 

We will work on little acts of kindness as gifts we can give Jesus for his birthday. Ask your child about the kindness buddies who have visited our classroom. We have two helpers who love to give the students wonderful ideas for small acts of kindness :) they LOVE these buddies!! They come in each day to see where they have moved to in the classroom, and what kindness note they have left for them!!! It has been such a positive tool in the encouragement of a positive kindness attitude :). 

Also Santa has sent one of his special Christmas angels to watch over us. She loves to see the kindness that my students share with others :).I wonder where she will be on Monday!  She is helping us prepare the manger for Jesus :). Each little act of kindness my students do they will add a piece of straw to his bed. The more we do, the more comfortable Jesus will sleep :). Let's go First Graders !!!!

I have many projects planned....... But I need parents to help prep for them. One project I need for the beginning of this week!! If you would like to earn your hours , please let me know!!!! Give me a call 209-658-3753. I can even get the materials to you before school begins on Monday if you you have any spare time!! :) What spare time?? I know, but projects don't stop! Ever :)

We will have centers this Wednesday :). Please let me know who will be able to make it. Thanks a bunch! 

This Friday 12/5 @ 8:15 is an all school mass, and 12:30 dismissal. Please make sure your child is in a clean uniform :) thank you. 

Saturday 12/6 is the annual Merced Christmas Parade. Please join the crowd downtown to watch our student council members on the best float in the parade!

Sunday 12/7 @ 2pm at the Merced courthouse Watch and listen to our beautiful OLM choir sing Christmas carols!! Always an awesome event to see! 

Here are the vocab and spelling for the week:

Vocabulary : 



AS always please make sure to read your child's planner EVERY NIGHT!  There is homework EVERY night. Some parents are signing but are not reading and making sure their child does the homework. We need to work together to build organization and responsibility skills!! These are skills essential in life...... Let's build the strong foundation for a lifetime :). 

Also, please practice addition facts each day!! I can tell that some are not doing this :(. When each child becomes a master at addition we can have a ice cream sundae party!!!! Let's go first graders!!!!

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