Sunday, October 5, 2014

10/6 to 10/9: short week---- Friday10/10 OFF!

Important information for this week: 
* Due to the short week, we will not :
1. No new spelling words
2. No centers on Wednesday 10/8- sorry for the inconvenience. 

* the end of the first quarter is this Thursday, October 9th.  If you child has been absent, you need to make sure all work is picked up and completed by this Thursday...... There are no exceptions.  Any missing work will be zeros.  REPORT CARDS WILL GO HOME NEXT FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17th. Remember they must be signed and returned the following Monday, October 20th.  If it isn't signed and /or returned on that day, your child will have to sit out 5 min- with an additional 5 for each day after that.  We need these report cards for that week of conferences. Thank you fir your understanding and support in this matter :)

** A permission slip will go home this Tuesday for our exciting field trip to Hunter Farms Pumpkin Patch next Wednesday, October 15th.  Please mark your calendars. If you can drive( have fingerprints, safe environment training completed, and this year's car registration/ insurance info turned into Carnation ) please let me know!! We will be leaving OLM by 8:30 and will be returning by lunch that day. ***** remember no siblings are allowed to attend the trip with us. It is an insurance liability.  

*** If you are a room mom, or assistant, we will need to plan a snack and a drink to have there during a break. It's a long morning to not have something to eat or drink.  They have promised a wonderful and exciting trip for our class. Each child will also be able to choose a pumpkin to take home :). FUN, FUN, FUN day!!!!!

DO NOT FORGET TO BRING YOUR CHILD'S BOOSTER SEAT that morning!! If they do not bring one, they will not be able to attend the trip with us. 

**** please watch for the permission slip to come home on Tuesday. It will need to be SIGNED AND RETURNED THE FOLLOWING DAY!! 

********* I thank all the parents in advance for helping in some way to make this trip one to remember!!!!*********

Other dates/events to add to your calendar : 
1. Class mass with 8th grade -Thursday, October 17th at 8:15 in our school's Chapel.  Some students will be reading petitions.  If your child is reading a petition, I will staple reading into their planner for them to practice at home.  Please, join us if you'd like :)

2. We are performing in this year's fall Thanksgiving program.  The program will be November 13th.  More info to follow :)


NO SPELLING WORDS THIS WEEK :) Three-day weekend coming up! :)
If you haven't already, buy Octoberfest tickets!!! It is such a fun night!!! This is our technology fundraiser.  I hope everyone is planning to attend:)

Is your child a MATH MASTER??? We are up to our 4th level of addition tests!! Some students are math masters in all 3 levels so far........ I can tell most have been working on the facts at home.  Remember we are working on memorizing the facts, so that students aren't relying on manipulatives ( fingers , beads etc)....... This is a school-wide goal!! However,  I still have a couple who haven't passed the first test :(. I have a chart in the classroom, please come to see how well your child is doing..... I want for every one of my students to be masters!!! This will take practice at home :). Please, help your child be successful :) I want all my students to master the addition facts by December!  I will plan a special treat along with scheduling a "Fun Friday" for the same afternoon :).  LET' GO FIRST GRADERS---- YOU CAN DO THIS :)!!!!!!!

I am trying something new to help students to control their talking/ no talking in the classroom. Please ask them after school about their "Quiet Buddy". Their reward for keeping their quiet buddy 4 out if the 5 days in a week- will allow a sock monkey to go home in Fridays :). 

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