Wednesday and Friday- send in your child's booster seat!
Wednesday we will be going to Park Merced leaving school at 10:45. We will be performing the Stations of the Cross with the 8th grade. We will return around noon.
Friday we will perform the Stations of the Cross for the school beginning at 8:15. Please plan on joining us for this special prayer! We will then be going to both Hampshire and Emeritus to perform Stations of th Cross leaving at 9:40 and returning sometime before lunch.
It's a busy week, one that should have a meaningful effect on each of the students.
Vocabulary- I will be sending home a master list of this year's vocabulary. I will begin final assessments some time after Easter. Please practice with your child.
There will not be any vocabulary this week.
Spelling this week:
As you know I've been doing several incentive strategies to encourage positive behavior inside and outside of the classroom. What a difference it has made!!! We have been doing FUN Fridays for the last two weeks. They love this. In order for your child to be able to participate in this event, your child cannot sit out more than two times in a week. This allows them room for mistakes. It's a form of a 3 strikes your out strategy. So far it has really been a positive!!! Go first graders!!!!!
The other strategy is the sticker chart. When they fill up the entire sticker chart(25 stickers) they get to pick a prize from the prize box!! What child doesn't want a prize, right?? They may earn a sticker for a variety of reasons: following rules, being kind, completing work on time etc. My students are really working hard to earn those stickers!! GO 1ST GRADERS !!!!!!
Donations needed:
Paper towels
Clorox wipes
For Fun Fridays:
Play-dough, and play dough cutters, molds etc.
100 piece puzzles
Craft supplies
Other fun ideas or games are always welcome:)
Prizes for the prize box are always welcome :)
I appreciate all your support !!!!!!!
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