Sunday, February 1, 2015

First week of February 2015..........less than a week until our AUCTION!!!!!!!!

Our annual OLM School Auction is next Saturday, February 7th!!  Our first grade art piece and book will be on display for everyone to see this week in the first grade classroom......... Come see what "you'll want to bid on" !!!! 

Our annual International Night is the following week Tuesday, February 10th.  Do you need parent volunteer hours???? Well there are plenty of opportunities :). I will need:

1.  Help with setting up that day about 1:30. It won't take that long to set up our booth- hanging things,  setting things out for display, etc. 
2.  Help that night putting food out etc at the booth 
3.  Help with clean up ( about 7:50 PM - it's done at 8pm)

4.  Donations of food, bowls, spoons - all donations can be split up and shared- you don't need to bring all of what you see.
     Sweet bread- cut into small pieces - I've seen them in rolls- 50 rolls cut up
     Linguisa - cooked and cut into pieces  - several trays? 
     Small tasting size bowls ( Mrs Blackburn is making her delicious Portuguese beans!)- 200
     Spoons need -200
     Toothpicks -200
     Small napkins -200
     Small cups 100/ 150
     Grape juice -5 or 6 gallons 
     2 red and 1 green plastic table cloths 
*** it seems like a lot, but this event brings a big crowd. If we don't get everything, we will just serve or give out what we have. 

5. We need Decorative items from Portugal, or items decorated with sayings, flag, map, etc- pictures, towels, figurines would be awesome:). Maybe you don't have anything, but know someone who might ??? I would greatly appreciate it!!!!  We will handle everything with care. 
6. I would like for my students to help answering questions and talking about what they've learned, but they can not be running around or going in and out of our booth because that's how things get broken. 

We have had, and will continue , to have illness run through the classroom.  It's the season. With that in mind, there's the topic of making up work.  As the teacher, I leave any hand outs that will need to be completed on their desk.  And when they return, I try to get them them caught up as best I can. Now here enters you, the parent.  As a good rule of thumb, you need to come by to get your child's work when they are absent.  That means their books they might need as well.  Most importantly, you need to come by the classroom, so I can go over with you what they will need to do. It seems that I've been sending work home that doesn't get sent back completed or I have to continue to ask the child where their work us.  It becomes a recording nightmare.  I realize this is part of the teachers job to some extent.  However, parents need to be on board with getting and making sure their work gets completed in a timely manner.  This is hard for children to do.  Also, you need to check in when your child has been absent, to make sure everything has been done, or if they have anything missing.   Yes, they are first graders, but they do much during the day.  If your child is absent one day, they have ONE day to make up the work.  Each additional day they are absent, they get an additional day and so on.  We're in this together, and must be there to support each other in the education of your child :). As always, please call, send a note when a question or concern arises so we can tackle it right away!  Thank you for all you!  

This week's vocabulary words:

Spelling words this week:  I've included 5 contractions again this week as the challenge part of the test. No dictation this week. 


Phew!  It's a lot :) please watch for other info to follow concerning the upcoming events. Until then........ Thanks!

Monday, January 19, 2015

Tuesday, Januarey 20, to Friday, January 23rd 2015

Yea to a short WEEK!  

Due to the short week, we will not have centers this week.  Next week is Catholic Schools' week so we won't have centers next week either.  I will need helpers for the first week in February (4th). I you can help, please message me :). I'll need four parents from 8:40- 10:00. Thanks! 

Upcoming reminders/events

1.  Next week is Catholic Schools week

Tuesday, January 27th will be NAVY BLUE AND WHITE ( OLM school shirts).  Also this is Buddy day. You will need to provide a buddy gift $1-$2 MAX. We don't have our buddies yet. Info on that later. Maybe get something that can be given to a boy or girl.  Candy is always good.  

Friday, January 30this our all school Mass AT ST PATRICKS CHURCH-You will DROP YOUR CHILD OFF-WITH THEIR BOOSTER AT THE CHURCH BY 7:50. Thank you. We are STILL IN NEED of drivers who will come to the church about 10-10:15 to pick students up to drive Back to the school. If you haven't sent in the form or can now drive PLEASE let me know ASAP.  Thank you. As of right now we have room for 12 students :/. Let's go awesome parents!!! Proper mass uniform is required!

****** EXCITING NEWS :) two of our first graders are getting baptized that day !!!
      Connor Schuesler and Emma Weber!!  I'd like to have a little reception/ party that morning when we return. If you can bring in a drink or cookies , let me know. I want us to show them how much we love them , and that they are a special part of our Catholic Family!!  Let me know if you can help :)

2.  Our January birthday celebration will be this Friday, January 23rd at 1:30 ( also my half birthday yeah, me ). I will post a sign up sheet Tuesday. If your child's birthday is this month please sign up to bring something drinks, a treat , a party favor , or plan a game for them to play - they love this one :). So please sign up :)

3.  INTERNAIONAL NIGHT!  Tuesday, February 10 from 6- 8pm in the auditorium. 
Our country is :   PORTUGAL!!!! I have planned some things to teach them over the next few weeks.  Are you Portuguese ?  Do you have things you can share or would like to teach the class??? Please let me know :). Also I will need items to display that night. If you have such things, please let me know. I will NEED VOLUNTEERS!  To help at the booth that night, to bring food for the night etc. please let me know what you are willing to help with---- lots of parent hours at stake-- we love that :). Please come by and let me know what you'll be willing to do to help out!! I so love all that MY parents do to support the first grade and the teacher ( me) :). Thanks again- it's right around the corner!

4. Math masters!  Over half the class are math masters and most of the rest are on level 9 or 10-- I think we are going to make it!!!!!!!! I am so proud of them. We will test all 4 days this week and next Monday and Tuesday-  they will need your help reviewing at home!  Please provide your child with extra review at home all week!  Remember, this isn't just for a party.  What they are learning is for a lifetime. Research has proven. , that when students learn their basic facts, you see the success in overall math scores!! Keep it up students and parents!

On a more serious note, I have started seeing a slip in overall effort in class.  Students have begun to write very messy. They are rushing and making silly mistakes. Also, their coloring and cutting etc has also gotten very messy. All of these things affect their effort grades, as well as the assignment grades. Please encourage your child to do THEIR BEST work on everything they do!  Effort grades do count on honor roll. They must earn an "A" in effort to get the on the "A" honor roll and a "B" to get on the "A/B" honor roll. Just a note for those who have had questions about effort. 

 Reading Packets
I've started daily reading as part of first grade homework. I send home reading packets M-W and Thursday their reading text so they can reading story for the week. Please have them read their story to you. Also you MUST SIGN THE PACKETS. That is part of the homework. Some parents are forgetting to sign their packets or have their child write a response about the story ( a sentence about the story). This is required. Some students have had to sit out because this isn't getting done. Also planners need to be signed every day of the week, even on Friday. Thank you again for your support :) just a little reminder!

I know this is lot to remember and take inall at once. I suggest printing it out and hanging it on the refrigerator :). 

Talk to you soon. If you can help in anyway, please message me or come by the classroom.  THANKS SO VERY MUCH FOR ALL U DO! :)))

Sunday, January 11, 2015

January 12, 2015 to January 16, 2015

Hello first graders and parents, 

I am so glad I'm coming back to work :). I have missed everyone so much!! I really appreciated all the prayers, kind words, and get well notes/cards sent in. I have felt so loved!!

NEW STARTING THIS WEEK:  Reading packets will begin this week.  Every Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday a reading packet will go home.  On Thursday, every week, their reading text will still go home with that week's story.  The reading packet is a folder with a reading book included in it.  On the cover of the packet, there will be a sheet with the book's title.  Each night one goes home, your child will need to fill out the info on the sheet.  Each night a different folder will go home with a new reader in it.  Each night they will read the book and fill out the info sheet on the cover.  A parent's signature is required each night a packet goes home for homework. Remember, the signature is part of the homework, and if it is not signed, your child will have to sit out, like all other homework assignments. Thank you for all your support!  

ALSO THIS WEEK: math master afternoon tutoring is this week .

Here is the updated list for each day. Days and times are : Monday- Friday from 2:45-3:30.  I will allow 15 minutes after school for my students to use the bathroom and to get a drink. If you'd like, send in an afternoon snack to eat at this time. They need to fuel up for the fun we will have :)!!!  Please pick your child up at 3:30 at the classroom, unless I am to walk him/her to extended care. Please let me know, and more importantly, let your child know:). Thanks!!! Let's go FIRST GRADERS!!!!  LETS MAKE MATH MASTERS!!! :)

Here are our new vocabulary words this week:

Here are the spelling words for this week:

The words are getting more challenging, longer.  However, we have learned these words, and have learned about adding endings such as "ed" and "ing".  When reviewing the words, break them up with the word  +  the ending. When they see them as pieces that are put together, they will not have a problem spelling them.  They can do it!! :) all the words are short vowel words.  We have reviewed short vowel sounds all year.  

A few parents have asked if we are in need of items for our classroom. We are in need of a few things.  Here is a list if you would like to help :)

Pink erasers
Large brown lunch bags ( for St. Vincent Lunches)

More items to be listed at another time :) I really appreciate those of you who continue to ask if we need things!! Thanks for your support! 

**** please send in your permission slips for CATHOLIC SCHOOLS' WEEK MASS for FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 2015. 

********* The date for our MATH MASTERS ICE CREAM SOCIAL will be planned some time soon.  I will post a date as soon as I figure that out. So many have offered to bring items in. I'll make a list and let you know what item each of you can bring in. Thanks again for your help!

*************January birthday celebration is planned for Friday, January 23rd. I will post a sign up list some time this week. 

Last but not least:  THERE WIIL BE CENTERS ON WEDNESDAY :). Please let me know if you can make it.  I'm not sure what rotation we are on, hopefully my parents do :)