Sunday, August 25, 2013

Week 8/26 to 8/30- week three

The year is off to a great start so far!  My students are beginning to follow a structured routine.  Many are not having to be reminded of the classroom rules or the playground rules.  However, some students need to be reminded to raise their hand before they leave their seat or to talk.  Please continue to remind them in the morning to follow these rules.  Also, please discuss with them whether or not they have a cold lunch or if they will be ordering a hot lunch each day.  This would be a great help so we can take less time on taking the count in the morning and have more time for our morning lessons.  I really would appreciate your support with this.  Thank you.

We will begin going to the library and to computer classes this week.  My students are so excited about this. Please remind them that they need to follow the same rules in the library and computer lab as they do in the classroom.  

I really appreciate that most of the parents are reading the planner and signing it .  Also, most students are doing the homework that has been written in the planner each day.  This will teach them responsibility.

Please remember to read the blog.  I post important information and reminders for the week's upcoming events.  I also try to post things that need to be discussed with your child.  This is a great way to prepare for the week ahead.  I really appreciate those of you who take the time to read it!

This week we will begin sending the weekly reading book home on Thursdays.  Please have them read the story.  A great way to build comprehension skills is to ask them questions about the story.  For example ask
* what is the story about?
* what happened in the beginning, middle , or at the end?
* who is the story about?
They should be able to read you the story.  The vocabulary words for the week's story go home the previous week, so they are given time to practice them before they are asked to read the story.  This helps them to read more fluently so they are able to concentrate on what the story is about rather than just what the words are.  It is important to review past and present vocabulary words because the stories build on the vocabulary from previous weeks.  Thank you for reviewing and practicing vocabulary daily with your child.  I see a big difference with the children who practice vocabulary and those who do not.  This is very important in building their reading vocabulary and reading fluency. 

Please talk to your child about doing their best work.  Some of the students are rushing to get their work done, and it shows in the quality of work turned in.  They are given plenty of time to complete their work, so remind them to take their time and do their best.  

We will continue to review the consonant sounds this week. Soon we will begin learning the short vowels sounds.  

We will continue working on numbers- writing the numbers and the number words.  Some students are writing their numbers backwards.  Practicing writing their numbers at home would be helpful.

Spelling lists will begin going home in two weeks. 

 We will begin basic addition timed tests next week.  Please practice basic facts up to the sums of ten.  

Vocabulary this week:

I apologize for the error last week regarding the vocabulary word sunken.  It was supposed to be sun.  I appreciated the heads up on this.  Thank you for letting me know and being understanding that people make mistakes.  

I look forward to another great week with your child!  

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Week two! 8/19- 8/23

Week one of first grade has gone very well.  My students are beginning to learn a routine as am I.  A few reminders come to mind:  please remind your child to use the restroom and get a drink on their break times.  Many come in first thing in the morning having to use the restroom.  Please remind them before leaving the house to use the restroom or when they get to school use the restroom in the auditorium.  Also I have 5 rules that should be followed in the classroom:
1.  Follow directions quickly and quietly
2.  Raise your hand to talk
3.  Raise your hand to leave your seat
4.  Make smart choices-  thinking before they do things is something they will learn
5.  Make your dear teacher happy-  following rules will do this 

Please review these rules at home. 

Hot lunch service begins this week.  If your child is getting hot lunch be sure to buy lunch tickets and milk tickets if needed.  We will let you know when your child is in need of more cards. ( 1 lunch card is $10 and is good for 5 lunches, 1 milk card is $2.50 and is good for 5 milks). We do not offer milk at snack time so you are responsible for providing a drink( if they want one )  and a snack for morning recess.  A small snack is all that is needed for morning recess.  Some students are coming with lunch sized snacks.  This is taking them so long to eat that they don't get much of a recess by the time they are done.  

Important events happening this week:

Tuesday night 8/20 is a safe environment meeting at 6 pm in the auditorium.  If you did not take the class last year, you will need to go to the meeting ( now its every 3 years) if you want to attend and drive for any trip or to help in the classroom.  Many parents like to participate in this capacity so this is required before you can help out.  

Sunday 8/25 from 11-1 is Open House at school.  I hope you can stop by to see some of things we have been up to !

Vocabulary words this week: 
*****remember these are not the spelling words. Students should just be able to read them.  We won't be doing spelling for a few weeks.

We will begin reading our first reader this week.  They will be bringing the book home Thursday night for homework.  Please have them read it to you.  

So far things are going well.  Students should continue practicing the kindergarten sight words as well as color and number words.  I can tell some of you have been doing this because they are really able to read what they are given at this point.  Please understand that knowing and practicing these sight words and the weekly vocabulary words is crucial for what they will be reading in class.  Thank you for your extra support in this matter.

Other things to note:  you should have begun practicing basic addition facts with your child. Please practice the basic facts up to the sum of ten.  We will begin taking timed tests in a couple of weeks.  I want them to be ready for the challenge, thank you for your support in this matter .  

Remember I am always available if you have any questions or concerns.  Please feel free to come by after school or you can make an appointment if you can't be there after school.  My door is always open.  

I am sure your child has been talking about our sock monkey friends.  These monkeys are travelers who will be going home with the students at some point.  It has been a really good motivational tool to remind them to work hard and to follow the rules in and out of the classroom.  Please remind them that when they work hard and follow the rules, they will get to take a monkey home.  ( I am keeping track so that each child will get the chance to take one home.  However, when they misbehave or have to sit out for behavior or for not doing / returning homework the monkey can not go home). Hopefully this will help them to remember the rules and become responsible learners at school and at home!  

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Week one. 8/12/13

Welcome to the first grade!  I am so excited and blessed to have your child in my class.  This year will be one of great growth.  It is very important that we communicate and work together in the education of your child.  With this collaboration, your child will succeed in the first grade.  This year your child will work very hard each day.  It is very important that your child gets to bed early to get a good night's sleep.  Also, make sure he/ she eats a good breakfast.  This helps to keep your child focused and ready to learn.  Thank you for your support in this matter.  Just a reminder- please don't hesitate to come in or call if you have any questions, comments, or concerns when they arise.  This way we can make their transition from kindergarten to first grade a smooth one.  Thanks and see you soon!

Here are a few reminders for the start of the year:

-Please review the Big Five Rules
-Check my teacher blog on Sunday night to prepare you and your child for the week ahead.
-Check the planners each day and sign it- do any work it asks your child to do.
-Check the Home folder everyday for homework or handouts being sent home.
-Remember to pack a snack each day for your child to be eaten at the 10:00 recess.

Things to be done at home:

-Review kindergarten sight words
-Review weekly vocabulary sent home.  Make sure they know what it means and how to read them.  
    These are not the spelling words.  Those will be sent home on Tuesdays beginning in a few weeks.
-Start practicing basic addition facts up to the sum of 10 only. Timed tests will start in a few weeks.
- Please complete any homework or reading when it is sent home.

This week beginning on Monday , August 12, 2013:

-The first day is a 12:30 dismissal , there is no extended care on this day.
-We will be having mass the first day starting at 8:30, and Thursday, August 15, 2013 at 8:15.  Please
    Make sure your child is in full uniform-girls in their  jumpers and boys in their navy blue corduroy
-There is no hot lunch service offered this first week.  Please make sure to pack your child a cold lunch for Tuesday thru Friday .  If your child will be eating hot lunches starting the second week of school, make sure to buy lunch tickets this week so they are ready for next Monday .  This will save a lot of time and confusion next week.  

-We will be reviewing many kindergarten concepts the first few weeks of school.  We will review sight words, color words, and number words.  We will also be reviewing the alphabet and letter sounds right away.    Please review theses things at home as well.

Here are this week's vocabulary words:

As you can see they are review or ones they have learned already. They will need to know how to read each word.  They will be used in next week's story.  Please practice them each night.  Putting them on 3 X 5 cards is very helpful.  

On another note please make sure your child has all the supplies and planner ASAP.  We will need these things starting the first day.  Thank you for your support with this!  I look forward to seeing you and your child Monday ! 

God bless you,
Mrs. M 

                     We can't wait to see you in class !!!!!!!